Ricky Ho
(Kwong Lum HO)

Sales Consultant, LREA

About Ricky Ho
(Kwong Lum HO)

Ricky is passionate about helping people through his role as Senior Sales Manager at Chain Real Estate. He is highly professional, taking the time to truly understand the needs of his
clients and building relationships based on mutual trust.

The first things you notice when you meet Ricky Ho are his positive attitude, his friendly and approachable manner and his professionalism. He loves the challenge of real estate.

Being a registered valuer, Ricky is highly knowledgeable in calculating the current market value of your property and in assisting bank valuations to go through smoothly. He enjoys sharing his knowledge of Australia’s economic cycles and how they relate to the property market. He is also a licensed real estate agent with comprehensive industry experience and local market knowledge, which he happily shares so his clients can make informed decisions.

Over his years in the industry, Ricky has built a large database of clients, which he taps into to draw the attention of buyers as soon as he lists a new property.

Ricky’s success is due in part to the enjoyment he gets from meeting new people and taking the time to listen to their stories and learn about them. He says dealing with happiness and
disappointment is part of the process, but he enjoys producing win/win situations, and for that you need a willing seller and willing buyer.

Ricky speaks English, Cantonese and Mandarin, plus a little Hindi, so he is able to communicate with ease across a variety of clients.

A highly qualified agent with solid industry experience and a friendly, personable approach, Ricky Ho is ready and willing to assist with your next property transaction. For outstanding
professional service, call Ricky on 0411 445 503.

Language: English, Cantonese and Mandarin

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